Live your life from your heart.
Maria Busqué
Maria Busqué
MARIA BUSQUÉ the flow-whisperer, is a sought-after coach for musical performance and personal development. Originally starting out as a pianist in Barcelona, she established herself in Berlin after her studies, discovering historical performance in music and changing to harpsichord as her first instrument. A keen and fast learner, she kept adding qualifications to her career, such as bodywork for musicians and reflection techniques like Transparent Communication. Today, she is focused on her online teaching and coaching practice. She has given workshops and lectures for musical institutions, as well as leadership co-training in corporate environments about embodiment and expressing oneself fully on stage. In 2020 she successfully crowdfunded the publication of her first book, »Alles im Flow? Die Kunst, ein musikalisches Leben zu führen« (»Flow with the music«), an innovative and authentic work based on her popular email column, the »Flowletter«, and inspired by the exchange with her readers. She is well versed in social media and offers a weekly column on her web.
Alles im Flow? (Flow with the music)
Narrative Non-Fiction, 240 pp
A motivational book about how to discover a path towards a life full of sound and movement, giving yourself permission to want and to realize what you always wished for. The Berlin based author crowdfunded the publication and is very experienced on social media. Innovative, authentic and entertaining, this was one of our most inspiring reads during the winter break.
— Sold to: Germany (Wissner)
World Rights (German, English and Spanish materials available)