Nobody can do for you what you can do for yourself.
Jorge Bucay
Jorge Bucay
JORGE BUCAY was born in Buenos Aires in 1949. He graduated from the University of Buenos Aires with a degree in medicine, specializing in psychiatry. He has worked as a psychotherapist and now teaches at the University of Durango, Mexico. In 1989, Bucay published his first book, Cartas para Claudia (Editorial del Nuevo Extremo), followed by Recuentos para Demian (1994, Spanish title: Déjame que te cuente…), Cuentos para pensar (1997) and Cuenta conmigo (2005). His books have been on the bestselling lists in Germany, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Mexico, and Spain - with more than ten million copies sold. They have been translated and published in the US, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, China, Finland, Corea, Hungary, Brazil and many other countries. www.bucay.com
Cuentos clásicos para conocerte mejor (What Fairytales tell about you)
Narrative Nonfiction, 432 pp
A collection of the most exquisite and beautiful classic tales of all times, retold and with an introduction and afterword by Jorge Bucay. An investigation into the psychological knowledge and wisdom of mankind and an important cultural treasure. A once-in-a-lifetime-book.
— Sold to: World Spanish (Espasa Calpe), Greece (Opera), Germany (Fischer), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), Croatia (Fraktura), Serbia (PRI Publishing), Hungary (Muveltnep), Poland (Zysk)
Cartas para Claudia (Letters to Claudia)
Narrative Nonfiction, 280 pp
An hommage to Fritz Perls’ early books on psychotherapy, these fictional Letters to Claudia are addressed to a former patient and confidante who went abroad: Claudia, an alias of the author’s daughter. The text imagines her development over three years and reveals some of Bucay’s most important ideas about love, the beauty of life and his vision of psychology. It is crucial to understanding Bucay's thinking.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Bulgaria (Hermes), Greece (Opera)
De la autoestima al egoismo (From Selfesteem to Egotism)
Nonfiction, 130 pp
This book offers an invitation to reflect upon the original meanings of self-esteem and egoism as well as upon the possible distance between the “ideal Me” and the “real Me”. These deeply encouraging tales from all over the world will have an indelible impact on the reader during his unique odyssey of personal discovery and will help him to develop his personality.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Russia (AST), Bulgaria (Hermes)
El camino de la autodependencia (The Path of Self-Dependence)
Nonfiction, 120 pp
A self-help guide to finding the personal path to self-realization. Based upon the recognition that there is no real independence and that dependency prevents our personal development, Bucay suggests a mode of self-dependence that acknowledges the acceptance of personal responsibility for our decisions and actions.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Russia (AST), Greece (Opera), Croatia (Fraktura), Bulgaria (Hermes), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), Germany (Fischer), Serbia (PRI Publishing), Turkey (Epsilon), Vietnam (First News), Romania (Grup Media Litera), Slovaquia (Noxi), Czech (Noxi), France (Leduc)
El camino del encuentro (The Path of Encounter)
Nonfiction, 169 pp
A self-help guide to elucidating our personal capacity for reciprocating love. Friendship, attraction, sex and sharing everyday life are among the concepts discussed by Bucay.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Russia (AST), Greece (Opera), Croatia (Fraktura), Bulgaria (Hermes), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), Germany (Fischer), Serbia (PRI Publishing), Turkey (Epsilon), Vietnam (First News), Romania (Grup Media Litera), France (Leduc)
El camino de las lágrimas (The Path of Tears)
Nonfiction, 124 pp
A self-help guide to coping with loss in every sense. Bucay expands upon the different phases of mourning and defines this process as a paramount symbol of personal growth, whose passionate pursuit can generate the foundation for a positive attitude toward life. It is one of Bucay’s most charismatic and helpful books, as evidenced by a multitude of readers’ feedback.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Russia (AST), Greece (Opera), Croatia (Fraktura), Bulgaria (Hermes), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), Germany (Fischer), Serbia (PRI Publishing), Turkey (Epsilon), Vietnam (First News), Romania (Grup Media Litera)
El camino de la felicidad (The Path of Happiness)
Nonfiction, 112 pp
A self-help guide to finding the complex and perishable state of happiness. Happiness, according to Bucay, is not simply achieved by having fun every minute in life, but by the comforting feeling of being on the “right track that brings us closer to happiness and contentment with every challenge that we overcome.”
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Russia (AST), Croatia (Fraktura), Greece (Opera), Bulgaria (Hermes), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), Germany (Fischer), Serbia (PRI Publishing), Turkey (Epsilon), Romania (Grup Media Litera)
El camino de la sabiduría (The Path of Wisdom)
Nonfiction, 173 pp
A self-help guide to activating our innate acumen based on an imaginary train trip taken by the protagonist Shimriti. At each stop, she learns more about herself and understands that her main responsibility is not directed outward, but needs to be pointed inward so as to illuminate her life with her own light.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Russia (AST), Greece (Opera), Bulgaria (Hermes), Germany (Fischer), Serbia (PRI Publishing), Turkey (Epsilon), Croatia (Fraktura), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga)
El camino de la espiritualidad (The Path of Spirituality)
Nonfiction, 223 pp
An invitation to explore our spiritual connection with the essence of our being, free of prejudices, possessions and dependency. As in the other “Caminos”, this last challenge is not understood as a destination to be reached so much as a route we can decide to take.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Russia (AST), Greece (Opera), Bulgaria (Hermes), Germany (Fischer), Serbia (PRI Publishing), Turkey (Epsilon), Romania (Grup Media Litera), Croatia (Fraktura)
20 pasos hacia adelante (20 Steps forward)
Nonfiction, 126 pp
A self-help guide to liberating ourselves from conditional limitations. With this systematic invitation, the reader is encouraged to confront new challenges he once believed impossible to handle and experience his personal growth in a step-by-step manner. A very practical book, perhaps the most guide-like book Bucay has ever written.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Russia (AST), Croatia (Fraktura), Vietnam (First News)
Déjame que te cuente (Let me tell you a Story)
Fiction, 144 pp
An imaginary dialogue with Bucay’s young patient, the student Demian, who is trying to focus his personality. Bucay tells him stories from all over the world in order to help him to recognise his fears and anxieties. Many of Bucay’s most popular stories are included in this volume.
— Valid Contracts: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA/RHM), Germany (Fischer), Italy (Rizzoli), Greece (Opera), Bulgaria (Hermes), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), Serbia (PI-Press), Corea (Noonkoip), Simpl. Chinese (Guomei), Traditional Chinese (Azoth Books), Saudi Arabia (Noon Publishing House), Vietnam (First News), Hungary (Muveltnep), Slovaquia (Noxi), Czech (Noxi), Israel (Keter), Taiwan (Butterfly), Croatia (Fraktura), Poland (Zysk), France (Leduc)
Cuentos para pensar (Stories for thinking)
Fiction, 105 pp
Complementing Déjame que te cuente), this collection of short stories illustrates even more important aspects of life and personality. The reader will recognise a plethora of personal mistakes in reasoning, and understand that, if he stays open-minded, he will never stop learning about himself.
— Valid Contracts: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA/RHM), Germany (Fischer), Italy (Rizzolli), Croatia (Fraktura), Greece (Opera), Bulgaria (Hermes), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), Serbia (PI-Press), Vietnam (First News), Hungary (Muveltnep),,Poland (Zysk)
Cuenta conmigo (Count on me)
Fiction, 259 pp
The story takes up the protagonist of Déjame que te cuente, Demian. Twenty years later, Demian is caught in a personal crisis. His marriage has failed, and this initiates his search for new paths and experiences. He decides to visit his former therapist and will need to heavily tap into his personal resources in order to come up with new solutions.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA/RHM), Germany (Fischer), Greece (Opera), Bulgaria (Hermes), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), Croatia (Fraktura), Hungary (Muveltnep), Israel (Keter), Taiwan (Butterfly)
El candidato (The Candidate)
Fiction, 465 pp
The plot of this novel is based upon the dangerous intrigues amongst politicians of the fictional Republic of Santamora, who try to manipulate the people of their country. In a climate of chaos, the three main characters of the book fight for democracy and self-determination, risking not only their friendship but also their lives.
— Sold to: Spain (Random House), Russia (AST), Bulgaria (Hermes), Egypt (Roueya Publ.)
De padres e hijos (About Parents and Children)
Nonfiction, 255 pp
In this unique book, two writers of exceptional talent, with international careers and high standing, Jorge and Demián Bucay, compare their views on education and family, on the difficult relationship between parents and their children. The writers are, of course, father and son. Because thinking is family business. Only sometimes we forget.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Mexico (Océano), Spain (RBA), Germany (Fischer), Greece (Opera), Bulgaria (Hermes), Croatia (Fraktura), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), World English (Upper West Side Philosophers)
El Mito de la diosa Fortuna (The Myth of the Goddess Fortuna)
Fiction, 56 pp
A modern version of the classical legend about the goddess Fortuna, who distributes the gifts of her „horn of plenty“, happiness and misery, without caring about the status of a person. The reader will reflect upon the positive and negative influences of good and bad luck, which are viewed by Bucay as the twofold catalyst of all positive personal power.
— Sold to: Argentina (Del Nuevo Extremo), Spain (RBA), Greece (Opera), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga)
Un cuento triste no tan triste (A not so Sad Sad Story)
Fiction, 96 pp
In this book - one of his most recent - Jorge Bucay tells three stories at once: Sofía’s story, the one we are actually reading; a story within this story, about a tree that cannot live without the love of a young boy; and, finally, a beautiful ancient fable about anger and sadness that closes the book.
— Sold to: Spanish Language (Océano/Del Nuevo Extremo), Germany (Fischer), Greece (Opera), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga)
Quiero (The Small Book about Love)
Narrative Nonfiction, 61 pp
A beautiful small text about love and friendship, in thirteen short sentences that work as an everyday guide to a fulfilled and happy relationship with your partner. Originally published two decades ago, Quiero has become a classic and is to be found in many students’ appartments around the globe. The author has now extended the original version and the new texts have been beautifully illustrated by the Argentine artist Gusti.
— Sold to: Germany (S. Fischer), Greece (Opera), Slovenia (Mladinska Knijga), South- and Central America (Océano/Del Nuevo Extremo), Croatia (Fraktura)